Campaign History of the 151e Régiment d'Infanterie - VII
~ 1915 ~
In the Argonne - Part III (6 May - 3 July)

Map of Bois de la Gruerie, photos of the encampments at La Harazée (source: Vallois Collection).
6-12 May: Same mission. At 0800 hrs, the Germans can be heard working in front of listening posts on the left and right of the half moon at la Sapinière. The troops in that sector send over bombs to hamper their efforts. At 1600 hrs, the Germans open up a heavy bombardment on the 40 DI and the 151 machine-guns on Côte 213. The dugout is destroyed, putting a machine-gun out of service, and killing one of its gunners.
Yet the front in the Fontaine-Madame sub-sector remains calm. At 1900 hrs, 2 Co. (at La Harazée) relieves 4 Co. with two sections in the second line at Ravin Sec and two sections in the third line. One platoon of 1 Co. at La Harazée relieves the other platoon of the company in the third line. Losses for the regiment on 6 May include 1 killed (Comt. Francis) and 7 wounded (Caps. Joseph (Emile); Sdts. Tephelin, Lemaire Cyr, Carette, Golliard, Courtois, Landel).
On the 7 May, the situation remains the same. Bombs are sent over from one side and the other. The 3 Co. which had been at the disposition of 40 DI is sent to rest at La Harazée. The engineers are instructed to set off a mine at Blanleuil at 1900 hrs but must postpone the operation. Sous-Lieut. Antonetti is promoted to Lieutenant. Losses for the regiment on 7 May include 4 wounded (Sdts. Foumeret, Colin, Jégat, Briand).
It's the same mission on 8 May. Colonel Dillemann is relieved by Lieut-Colonel Vallier (328 RI), who then goes to rest with his staff at Florent. In the evening, 5 Bat/328 RI relieves 3 Bat/151 RI at Enfants Perdus, the latter passing into reserve with two companies at La Harazée and two companies dispersed among the line 'IN', third line, and Ravin Sec.
The 1 Bat., which was in reserve of the Fontaine-Madame sector, goes to rest at Florent in the evening. Sergent-Major Choisie is promoted to sous-lieutenant (temporary title). Losses for the regiment on 8 May include 1 killed (Sdt. Fernand (Auguste)) and 7 wounded (Sgt.-Fourrier Bossuette; Sdts. Ledurgon, Gilbert, Guyomard, Guertuer, Léger, Bonnefours [sp?]).
On 9 May, the 1 Bat. is at rest at Florent, the 2 Bat. is relieved by the 6 Bat/328 RI and goes to rest at La Harazée. Colonel Dillemann leaves the regiment to take command of the 80 BI. Commandant Moisson is named lieutenant-colonel and takes command of the 151 RI. Moisson will come to play a significant role in the regiment hereafter, remaining the regimental commander of the 151 for 3 years to the day. Losses for the regiment on 9 May include 6 wounded (Adj.-Chef Ritter; Sgt.-Major Bilot (Laurent); Sdts. Guellec, Ladet, Eloy, Guinard.)
The next day, the 1 Bat. is at rest at Florent and the 2 Bat. at rest at La Harazée. The 3 Bat. remains in reserve of the sub-sector. Sous-Lieutenant Richard, previously evacuated, returns to the regiment (1 Co.). Losses for the regiment on 10 May include 8 wounded (Sgt.-Fourrier Laurent (Lucien); Sdts. Migne, Lefévre (Gaston), Doucet, Durieux, Jacques (Francois), Demay, Garcelon.)
On 11 May the situation remains the same. Commandant Dô coming from the 6 RIC arrives to the regiment and takes command of 1 Bat. The following day, at 0730 hrs, Lieutenant-Colonel Moisson reviews the 1 Bat., rewards citations and presents the battalion to Commandant Dô. At 0900 hrs, the regiment, which is at Florent, is ordered to billet at La Harazée as the reserve of the brigade. Commandant Adamy coming from the 161 RI arrives to the regiment and is assigned to 2 Bat. Losses for the regiment on 12 May include 1 killed (Sdt. Leron) and wounded (Sdt. Rougeric, Proffit, Sintain).
13 May: Lieutenant-Colonel Moisson relieves Lieutenant-Colonel Vallier (328) and takes command of the Fontaine-Madame sub-sector at 1500 hrs. The 1 Bat. moves up from La Harazée to relieve 5 Bat/328 RI at la Sapinière and Enfants Perdus. The 9 and 12 Cos. relieve in the third line and Ravin Sec (second line) the 10 and 11 Cos., the latter going to rest at La Harazée. In the evening a detachment of reinforcements (350 troops) arrives at La Harazée from the 151 depot at Quimper and is incorporated into the regiment. It is composed of:
Sous-Lieutenant Lartigue
Sous-Lieutenant Sauvaitre
8 sergents
1 caporal-fourrier
17 caporaux
200 new recruits (class of 1915)
122 veterans
Losses for the regiment on 13 May include 1 killed (Sdt. Bardin) and 10 wounded (Lieutenant Mathieu; Caps. Josset, Noury; Sdts. Piot, Ducloyer, Bloyer, Laignel, Bonnet, Arnold, Delahaye (Charles)).
14 May: Light fusillade and bombs from both sides. At Enfants Perdus, 2 Co. receives many bombs, which causes a collapse of the trench walls along eight meters of trench. In the evening, 2 Bat. (6, 7, 8 Cos.) relieves at Blanleuil three companies of the 328 RI. A German mine is detected before listening post R2 and French engineers set off a counter-mine at 2000 hrs. This ignites a light fusillade and bombings from the German side. Colonel Diébold orders that the barricade of R2 up to the edge of the mine crater, work that is carried out throughout the night. Losses for the regiment on 14 May include 3 killed and 12 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdts. Hubert (Paul), Bars, Rebière.
Wounded: Cap. Deleau (Henri); Sdts. Raymond (Jean Franc), Vernet, La Folle, Delacourt (Raymond), Fretin, Bruel, Danlez (Aleide), Heymann, Magot, Couchon (Félix), Pondcharaud.
15 May: At 0700 hrs, 2 Bat/151 relieves at Blanleuil a company of the 328 RI. The 151 is arranged as follows: 1 Bat. at la Sapinière and Enfants Perdus; 2 Bat. at Blanleuil; 3 Bat. with 9 and 12 Cos. in the third line and Ravin Sec, and 10 and 11 Cos. at rest at La Harazée. During the course of the day, the men work to repair the destroyed trenches at Enfants Perdus and Blanleuil. The listening post R2 is repaired and several loop-holes are constructed in order to allow visibility into the bottom of the mine crater separating the post from the Germans.
Around 2000 hrs, a rather lively fusillade opens up throughout the entire sub-sector, which proves to be the preemptive activity before the Germans blow a mine at Bagatelle. Losses for the regiment on 15 May include 1 killed and 11 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Cap. Guénard (Marcel).
Wounded: Sdts. Poulain (Jean), Hébrard, Duchamps (Louis), Giraud (Gabriel), Gervy, Gautier (Georges, Allard, Crohent, Famechon, Demetz, Vienne (René).
16 May: same situation. At 0830 and 0930 hrs, two mines are exploded to the right and left of Blanleuil. These are followed by bombs and the 151 first line trenches are destroyed at several spots. At Enfants Perdus, the regiment's extreme right trench was destroyed by bombs, as well as the listening post located at the end of it. At 1000 hrs, the 65 mm gun fires on German positions near the 'Queue de Cochon', with the fire proving highly effective. At 1200 hrs, Lieutenant Ritter commanding 5 Co. (on the right of Blanleuil) is lightly wounded in the hand by bomb fragments.
In the evening, reliefs are carried out between the companies. The 1 and 2 Cos., which were in the first line at la Sapinière and Enfants Perdus, are relieved by 3 and 4 Cos., the former passing to the second line. The 10 and 11 Cos. resting at La Harazée move up and relieve 9 and 12 Cos. in the second line at Ravin Sec and in the third line, with 10 and 11 Cos. going to rest at La Harazée. Losses for the regiment on 16 May include 1 killed and 12 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdt. Barrière.
Wounded: Cap. Hautecour; Sdts. Bourdon (Corentin), Bordelot, Massiot, Vasse (Urbin), Benchon (Octave), Géropp, Fossiez, Moyon, Garlet, Coin (Eugene), Connau.
17 May: All day is spent repairing the trench demolished by bombs the day before. Around 1400 hrs it's noticed that the Germans are preparing a mine that had been blown by the French counter-mine before R2 and R1. At 1400 hrs at la Sapinière, the French set off a mine at the left end of the half-moon meeting the German trench and listening post. A few minutes later, the Germans explode a mine to the right of this French mine, which destroys a part the regiment's trench. A light fusillade goes on for the rest of the day.
Adjudant Lestienne (3 Co.) is awarded the Médaille Militaire. Losses for the regiment on 17 May include 7 wounded (Sgt. Bienaimé; Cap. Lemaire (Edouard); Sdts. Roussiat, Malinverus, Godart, Pinquier, Térrey).
18-21 May: Same situation. The men work to repair the listening post R2, as well as the trench destroyed by bombs. At 1500 hrs, Lieutenant-Colonel Moisson is relieved by Lieutenant-Colonel Vallier (328 RI) and goes to rest at Florent with his staff. The 1 Bat/151 RI (Commandant Dô) is relieved at Enfants Perdus by the 5 Bat/328 RI and goes to rest at la Croix Gentin. The 3 Bat. is still in reserve of the sector. Soldat Gobillot is cited in the Orders of the Army. Sous-Lieutanant Campana is evacuated due to an appendicitis caused by an injury inflicted by a stone that struck him following a mine blast. Losses for the regiment on 18 May include 3 wounded (Sdts. Hecaeu, Boixière, Denamps).
On 19 May, the 1 Bat. is at rest a la Croix Gentin. In the evening, 2 Bat/151 RI is relieved at Blanleuil by the 6 Bat/328 RI and goes to rest at Florent, arriving at 2300 hrs. The 3 Bat. remains in the reserve of the Fontaine-Madame sector. The 9 and 12 Cos. relieving in the third and second line (Ravin Sec) the 10 and 11 Cos., which go to rest at La Harazée. Losses for the regiment on 19 May include 4 wounded (Sdts. Deltort, Lennes, Dufour (Paul), Lemarie (Joseph)).
On 20 May, 1 and 2 Bats. are at rest. At 1100 hrs, in front of the division general, Lieut-Colonel Moisson leads the 1 Bat. in a revue at la Croix Gentin. Moisson presents the Médaille Militaire to Adjudant Lestienne. The 1 and 2 Bats. will remain at rest the following day, 3 Bat. still in reserve of the sector.
22 May: At 0600 hrs, 1 Bat. leaves la Croix Gentin and spends the day at La Harazée and in the evening relieves 5 Bat/328 RI at Enfants Perdus and la Sapinière. Lieut-Colonel Moisson leaves Florent at noon and at 1500 hrs takes command of the sub-sector. The 2 Bat. remains at rest at Florent. The 10 and 11 Cos. relieve in the third line and at Ravin Sec the 9 and 12 Cos., which go to rest at La Harazée. At 1600 hrs the Germans set off another mine at Enfants Perdus, killing one man and wounding 11. At Blanleuil, the Germans can be heard working on another mine.
A lively fusillade erupts along with heavy mortar fire as the 1 Bat. is conducting its relief. Sous-Lieutenant Poisson (4 Co.) is wounded in the chest by a mortar fragment). Losses for the regiment on 22 May include 1 killed (Sdt. Ficheux) and 13 wounded (Sous-Lieutenant Poisson; Sdt. Dufour (Paul)).
23 May: At 0400 hrs, the 65 mm mountain-gun on Côte 213 fires 100 shells on the "pig-tail" and the "parallelogram." Following this bombardment, the Germans carry out a great amount of activity all along the front of Blanleuil and la Sapinière, sending over a great number of bombs. The path leaving to Blanleuil, the listening post of the company commander, and the telephone post are all all destroyed, as well as the shelter for the 65 gun. Some men are buried but are able to be freed soon after.
At 2230 hrs, the French explode a mine at the half-moon, which sets off a German mine. Cries of pain can be heard from their lines, and many Germans who'd been working in the crater are killed or wounded. At 1900 hrs, 2 Bat/151 RI relieves 6 Bat/328 RI at Blanleuil. Losses for the regiment on 23 May include 8 wounded (Caps. Henry (Paul), Bézamat; Sdts. Robitaille, Dehenne, Hanquet, Nivagin, Divry (Albert), Lopès).
24 May: Fusillade lasting throughout the night. After the explosion on the previous evening (2230 hrs), a breach was made in the neighboring parapet of the mine, the half-moon was destroyed, the access boyaux obstructed, and listening posts demolished. Work is carried out to put these back into order. At 0515, from Côte 213, a machine-gun is damaged and then replaced. At 1000 hrs, the Germans set off another mine to the left of the half-moon (Sapinère), destroying a listening post and 12 meters of trench. The barricade of the listening post is reestablished at the very edge of the crater, the work being completed at 1600 hrs.
When the mine explosion goes off two men are buried and cannot be found and it's believed they must have been pulverized. At 2330 hrs, a German mine goes off and the men toss pétards and grenades to impede an enemy attack. Losses for the regiment on 24 May include 2 killed, 8 wounded, 2 missing. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdt. L'héritier, Gorigués.
Wounded: Sgt. Ramond; Sdts. acquenim (Aimé), Garnier, Vermenlon (Achille), Geslin, Brun (René), Turpin, Boilet, Griès (Eugène).
Missing: Sdts. Gauthier (Fernand), Nevoit (Henri)
25 May: The explosion at 2330 hrs the evening before demolished about 10 meters of trench and the battalion pioneers work to repair it. During the course of the day, the Germans can be heard working at Enfants Perdus and at S2. At 1900 hrs, the Germans explode a mine between S2 and S5, blocking the trench located there. At 2250 hrs, the French set off a mine at Blanleuil in front of R2. The 9 and 12 Cos. at La Harazée move up at relieve the 10 and 11 Cos. in the second line at Ravin Sec and the third line, the latter moving down to rest at La Harazée. Capitaine Clémendot (9 Co.) is evacuated due to an appendicitis attack. Lieutenant Teisserenc takes command of the company. Losses for the regiment on 25 May include 2 killed and 14 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdts. Bruant, Heinglé
Wounded: Sgt. Merrière; Sdts. Joly, Derrien, Caillet, Legrand (Henri), Brot, Casqueveaux, de Belvalet, Bestel, Morel (Albert), Auguet, Yvon (François), Laminette, Vital, Melun.
26 May: At 0310 hrs the Germans blow a mine at S2 (Enfants Perdus) but rush into the crater, which is swept by the 151's machine-guns. At 1500 hrs Lieut-Colonel Moisson is relieved by Lieut-Colonel Vallier (328 RI) who takes command of the sub-sector. However, while en route at Vienne-le-Ville, Moisson receives orders to return to La Harazée and retake command of the sub-sector. The 1 Bat. which was to go to Florent receives orders to repair the first line trench at Enfants Perdus and reoccupy it. This work is not possible for, following the explosions, the gabions, logs, etc. are pell-mell in the trench, which is entirely filled in. Moreover, the Germans are only 2 meter away and impeding all work. After Moisson looks into it, a new trench is to be made 7 meters to the rear of the first (25 meters long). The pioneers of 1 and 3 Bats. are subsequently put to work.
The signalers, telephonists, cyclists, cooks of 1 Bat. who had arrived ay Florent at 1800 hrs to receive the supplies for the next day are recalled and arrive at the PC of Fontaine-Madame at 0200 hrs (27 May). Losses for the regiment on 26 May include 2 killed (Sdts. Périsset, Roblin), 8 wounded (Sdts. Guichaona (Pierre), Jolly (Jules), Pendezec, Lamotte, Laforet (Emile), Leclercq).
27 May: Work continues on the construction of the new trench at Enfants Perdus and is done out in the open, slowing the progress. A German attack is launched against listening post no. 1. Taking advantage of the foliage, they are able to sneak up on the post. They kill one man and wound two others which revolvers, then fall back. Commandant Dô (1 Bat.) immediately orders the replacement of the post with another. Precautions are taken with the gabion placement to account for all possibilities. In the evening, 2 Bat/151 RI is relieved by 6 Bat/328 RI, which goes to billet at la Croix Gentin. Losses for the regiment on 27 May include 2 killed (Sdts. Robert (Georges), Mahé), 8 wounded (Cap. Tournemine; Sdts. Menaut, Broudeau, Hazard, Barbe (Pascal), Cochel, Fauy, Dubois (Aleide)), and 1 missing (Sdt. Arnold).
28 May: The Germans have been active throughout the night, sending over bombs intermittently along the whole front. At 2045 hrs in the evening of 28 May, they explode a mine at the Queue de Cochon, which causes great damage to the connecting trench, destroying 30 meters of trench. The French engineers who were working in a mine are buried and are unable to be retrieved. At la Sapinère work continues on the new trench. At 2300 hrs the French explode a mine at 'R b'. The mine is too powerful though and results in 28 men of the 328 RI being wounded. It's thought by the engineer commander that this was due to secondary explosions that followed 3 seconds after the French mine went, likely two German mines being triggered. The crater produced by the French mine is 20 meters long by 12 meters wide.
Sous-Lieut. Joseph Antonetti and Lieut. Jean Webanck.
At 0800 hrs, 3 Bat. moves up from the reserve to relieve 1 Bat. at la Sapinère in preparation of an attack it must carry out in the evening. The 1 Bat. goes to rest at Florent. Lieut-Colonel Moisson is relieved by Lieut-Colonel Vallier (328) who then goes to Florent with his staff. In the evening, 3 Bat. receives the order to attack at la Sapinère and seize a German trench. Two sections of 10 Co. (Lieutenant Antonetti) and one section of 12 Co. (Lieutenant Webanck) are to carry out the attack. But in the event, the attack fails in the face of German machine-gun fire flanking all the boyaux while at the same time two mines are set off under the attack groups. A quarter of the force is killed or wounded. Losses for the regiment on 28 May include 7 killed, 35 wounded (including Sous-Lieut. Bracq and Adj. Bréda) and 6 missing. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sgts. Robichon (René); Sdts. Chocquet, Vigneron, Rioult, Lov, Capliez, Blancourt.
Wounded: Sgts. Carré (Henri), Saupin; Caps. Leblanc (Lucien), Farteville, Tourner; Sdts. Castle (Ferdinand), Braconnier (Clodomir), Fourmir (Ernest), Deleris (Prospir), Gamin (Georges), Duvivier, Collard, Macary, Jenmian (sp?), Charvot, Coquelle (Louis), Coquelle (Ernest), Cayen, Verbecke, Bigre, Legrand (Victor), Bocquet (Edouard), Lardin, Wagner (Georges), Lebon (Ulysse), Méresse, Ducatillon, Vauhelder, Le Mason (Albert), Le Prêtre (Désiré), Auby, Pinel.
Missing: Sdts. Delaporte (Jules), Cotton (Maxime), Joumais (sp?) (Louis), Martel (Louis), Hugotte (Georges), Boune (sp?) (Pierre).
29-31 May: 1 and 2 Bats. are at rest. The 3 Bat/151 RI is relieved at la Sapinère by 5 Bat/328 RI and moves back into the reserve of the sub-sector.
The situation remains unchanged on 30 May. The 1 Bat. is sent into reserve at Florent at 0930 hrs and 2 Bat. at la Croix Gentin at 1330 hrs. Losses for the regiment on 30 May include 2 killed (Sdts. Louis (Leon), Gibaut) and 1 wounded (Sdt. Thriller (André)).
The next day, 2 Bat. leaves la Croix Gentin at 0500 hrs and arrives at La Harazée at 0900 hrs. It passes the day there before moving up in the evening to relieve 6 Bat/328 RI at Blanleuil. Lieut-Colonel Moisson takes command of the sub-sector at 1500 hrs. In the evening, 11 and 12 Cos. are relieved by 9 and 10 Cos., the latter going to rest at La Harazée. At 2300 hrs a German mine goes off on the right end of la Sapinère. A French barricade is destroyed and the men respond by throwing a number of pétards. The explosion though is far to the right of the old half-moon and doesn't cause any significant damage. The listening posts jostled by the blast are repaired in the night. Losses for the regiment on 31 May include 1 wounded (Sdt. Flamme (Alphonse)).
1-8 June: The 1 Bat. leaves Florent at 0500 hrs and arrives at La Harazée at 0900 hrs where it passes the day. In the evening it relieves 5 Bat/328 RI at la Sapinère. During the course of the night, a fire -- likely ignited by French shells -- is reported on the south flank of left side of la Sapinère. During the day there's a fight with bombs and pétards. Work is carried out to repair the damage caused by the bombs. Losses for the regiment on 1 June include 2 wounded (Lieut. de Sainte Croix; Sdt. Huclin).
During the night of 1-2 June, the Germans work on the mine crater 'R b'. At 0700 hrs, a pioneer team from 3 Bat. is put at the disposition to Commandant Do. This team works to rebuild the stairs going up Enfants Perdus. At 1800 hrs, heavy bombs coming from the north of Blanleuil fall on Enfants Perdus, which only lightly damage the trenches there. Exchange of bombs and pétards. Losses for the regiment on 2 June include 14 wounded (Sgt. Pollet (Arthur); Caps. Augustin, Lenoir, Chevrel; Sdts. Camus, Obligitte, Lefetz, Ferez, Daudremez, Boel, Boulch, Riger, Chévereau, Godard, Mayer).
On 3 June, at 0210 hrs, the Germans set off two mines several minutes apart to the left of the half-moon. A pioneer from the 151 RI is buried from the resulting blast but is dug out. Listening post No. 7 is filled in. Work is carried out to put things back in order and the listening post is moved forward slightly. At night, a man is sent out to explore the craters. He reports that the craters aren't occupied by the enemy but that loop-holes have been installed behind them. At 1900 hrs, 11 and 12 Cos. relieve in the third line and the line 'IN' the 9 and 10 Cos., which go to rest at La Harazée. Losses for the regiment on 3 June include 4 wounded (Cap. Gaultier; Sdts. Ducloyen, Vancenbrock, Hermann).
On 4 June, patrols sent out at night come back with nothing to report. At Enfants Perdus, pétards are exchanged between both sides. The joining trench between the machine-gun emplacement and the sap is entirely destroyed and efforts are carried out to repair it. At Blanleuil, the Germans send over a number of bombs. Lieutenant Ritter commanding 5 Co. on the left is wounded in the hand by a shell fragment. At 1500 hrs, Lieut-Colonel Vallier of the 328 RI takes command of the sub-sector and Lieut-Colonel Moisson goes to billet at Florent. The 2 Bat/151 RI (Commandant Adams) is relieved at Blanleuil by the 6 Bat/328 RI and goes to rest at la Croix Gentin.At 1700 hrs, 9 and 10 Cos. are sent into reserve at La Harazée and receive citations. Losses for the regiment on 4 June include 11 wounded (Lieut. Ritter; Sgt.-Major Petit (Wilfred); Guerin, Robert (Jules), Debièvre, Vams (sp?), Jubert (Alexandre), Giraud (Gabriel), Raulhac, Gaideur (sp?), Lanoux).
On 5 June, 2 Bat., which had been resting at la Croix Gentin, marches in the morning to Florent to billet. The 1 Bat/151 RI is relieved by 5 Bat/328 RI and goes to rest a la Croix Gentin. Losses for the regiment on 5 June include 5 killed and 11 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdts. Groult, Vauhaume (sp?), Leclerq (Jean), Catel, Jespas.
Wounded: Sgt. Honoré (Emile); Sdts. Rubar, Croze, Goffin, Ardois, Vervande, Alexandre (Alfred), Machelaux, Trouche, Vienne, Allon (sp?).
The following day, 1 and 2 Bats. are at rest, as 3 Bat. remains in reserve at La Harazée. In the evening, 11 and 12 Cos. are relieved by 9 and 10 Cos., which go to rest at La Harazée. Losses for the regiment on 6 June include 5 wounded (Sdts. Mackermann (Daniel), Renaudin, Henon (Herve), Stretz, Vermesch).
On 7 June the situation remains the same. At 0900 hrs, 2 Bat. is reviewed by Minsiter of War Millerand. Losses for the regiment on 7 June include 2 killed (Sgt.-Fourrier Ledoux (Alfred), Sdt. Facon) and 4 wounded (Sous-Lieut. Berduin; Adj.-Chef Bivergier; Sdts. Jussaume (would die of his wounds), Boulant).
Graves of Sdt. Marcel Edouard Facon and Sdt. Aimé Jussaume, La Harazée Cemetery. Facon was born in Nesle (Somme), incorporated into the Class of 1914, he was recruited at Cambrai. He was 20 years old when he was killed. No further information is available on Jussaume.
On 8 June, at 0400 hrs, 2 Bat. (Cmdt. Adams) departs Florent for La Harazée. It relieves 6 Bat/328 RI in the evening at Blanleuil. At 0830 hrs, Lieut.-Colonel Moisson reviews 11 and 12 Cos. at Camp Deville (located a few hundred meters east of La Harazée where the Harazée - Four-de-Paris road intersects with the road to St. Hubert) and presents citations. At 1500hrs, Moisson takes command of the sub-sector from Vallier (328 RI). Throughout the night, repair work is done on the trenches demolished by bombs. Losses for the regiment on 8 June include 3 wounded (Sdts. Langlet, Bécart, Canonne (would die of his wounds)).
Grave of Sdt. Etienne Canonne, La Harazée Cemetery. Born in Mazinghem (Nord), recruited at Saint-Quentin and incorporated into the Class of 1906.
Map from the JMO of the 14 RI from the fall of 1915 showing Camp Deville (bottom of map).
9 June: 1 Bat. departs la Croix Gentin to go to La Harazée, where it spends the day before going up in the evening to relieve 5 Bat/328 RI at la Sapinière. News comes that the 328 RI will be detaching from 42 DI and rejoining 2 CA. It will be replaced by the 44 RIC. In the early morning hours, patrols are sent out to scout the enemy positions at Ravin Sec and at la Sapinière. Around 0800 hrs, some "Minen" [minenwerfers] land on the 151 trenches in the abandoned second line at Ravin Sec. At 1700 hrs, 11 and 12 Cos. relieve in the third line and line 'IN' the 9 and 10 Cos., which are sent to rest at La Harazée. Repair work is carried out on the trenches during the night. Losses for the regiment on 9 June include 1 killed (Sdt. Carbonnet) and 4 wounded (Sdts. Maillard (Louis), Jouvaux (sp?), Genouille, Rabat).
10 June: During the night of 10 June, the Germans release gas on the companies in the first line at Blanleuil, which is contained in glass containers that shattered on the logs covering the trenches. Thanks to masks and goggles, the troops aren't too badly affected and French artillery and Cellieres retaliate. At la Sapinière, the Germans send over wooden boxes filled with a highly explosive substance. Fortunately, the damage done isn't too significant. Losses for the regiment on 10 June include 1 wounded (Cpl. David).
11 June: Work is undertaken to arrange listening posts, install loopholes at RI, repair trenches at la Sapinière, and a listening post is dug at the left trench of the Patte d'Oie ("Goose Foot") [so-called for a spot between Blanleuil and Ravin Sec where several boyaux came together to form a position shaped like a goose foot]. Lieutenant Vincent (commanding 4 Co. on the left of la Sapinière) and Lieutenant Bonnet (commanding 6 Co. at Blanleuil) use a German bomb-thrower and a 90 mm Cellerier to bombard the German positions from the cut-away. The 58 mm gun also goes into action but at 1445 hrs, a shell bursts at the gun opening and sets off the 58 mm shells nearby. Fortunately, none of the gunners are injured. The Germans meanwhile start bombarding the second line at Ravin Sec with heavy Minen. Losses for the regiment on 11 June include 3 wounded (Cpl. David (Eugene); Sdts. Warain, Defontaine (Louis)).
12 June: From 2300 to 0200 hrs on 12 June patrols are sent out, moving up close to the German lines and being met with rifle fire. They report that the German trenches were not strongly reinforced. At 1130 hrs, the Germans set off a mine at the Queue de Cochon. A violent tremor is felt followed by a rain of stones, material, trees, and even an iron loophole from the German trench, along with some magazines filled with blood, leaving the impression that Germans had themselves suffered casualties in the blast. The crater produced is about 10 meters in diameter, the closest edge being 4 meters from the joining trench, which is completely cut in two lengthwise from 4-5 meters. Work begins immediately to repair the lines.
At 1400 hrs, a heavy exchange of bombs begins at Blanleuil, with the regiment's trenches to the left of R2 being demolished along a length of 15 meters. A German 77 gun takes one trench by enfilade, firing 15 shots and destroying 5 meters of trench to the left of RI. The gabions and sandbags are replaced during the night. AT 1700 hrs 9 and 10 Cos. relieve in the third line and at Ravin Sec 11 and 12 Cos., which are sent to rest at La Harazée. Losses for the regiment on 12 June include 3 wounded (Sdts. Venot (Jean), Juliene (Cuqene), Brucelles).
13 June: The explosion of a French mine the evening before (12 June) at 1930 hrs at St. Hubert reveals at least seven German machine-guns at Ravin Sec: believing an attack to be underweigh, the Germans open up a heavy fire. Around 0820 hrs a German mine goes off at Enfants Perdus between P5 and P6 that largens and deepends the existing crater. At 1445 hrs, the French send over 90 mm mortar rounds provoking the enemy into sending over a stream of explosive containers and grenades. The 151 responds in kind with pétards and the new 90 mm bombs. Rifle fire also breaks out. From 1445 to 1530 hrs, the 58 mm gun (the French response to the heavy German minenwerfers) sends over eight bombs onto the Queue de Cochon.
Around 1400 hrs, an explosion sends up a rain of earth and stones at a spot about 30 meters to the left of RI in the German trench. One of the French "Excelsior" falls on a German munitions depot and sets it off. The normal work is carried out to repair the lines. At 1900 hrs, 3 and 4 Cos. in the second line at Enfants Perdus are relieve 1 and 2 Cos. in the first line, the latter moving to the second line. Losses for the regiment on 13 June include 12 wounded (Sgt. Behaque (Georges); Sdts. Bacon (Louis), Dhoute, Josse, Lecomte (Antony), Grace (Paul), Robbe, Duquenne, Genin (Emile), Chaniry (sp?), Guitard, Pourteau.
14 June: The night remains calm which allows for work to be carried all. At 0915 hrs a mine goes off a few meters from listening post 4 (Sapinière) covering the post with debris without destroying it and projecting enormous rocks onto the boyau leading to the trenche and into the right first line trench. Thanks to the coverings over the trench placed two weeks before, there are only two lightly wounded by the stones. Lieut.-Colonel Moisson and Commandant Dô who are at the spot when the explosion give orders to filled in trench. At 1200 hrs, German 105 and 77 guns bombard Ravin Sec and the third line. At 1800 hrs, a bomb fight ensures, the 151 responding to the German explosive containers with the 90 mm mortar.
At la Sapinière, Sergents Baillon and Fauvet (3 Co.) in daylight and without orders, make their way to the crater facing listening post 5. Seeing the enemy advanced post 20 meters from the French trench, they see through the German loopholes that the soldiers aren't equipped and dug ino the woods. The sergents aren't seen by the German advances post but upon re-entering the lines are lightly wounded by machine-gun fire. At 1500 hrs, 2 Bat. is relieved at Blanlieul by 3 Bat. The 6 and 7 Cos. move into reserve of the sub-sector (third line and line 'IN'). The 5 and 8 Cos. go to rest at La Harazée. Losses for the regiment on 14 June include 10 wounded (Adj. Vignol (Marc); Sgts. Baillon (Alfred), Fauvet (Eugene); Cap. Cuvcillé; Sdts. Pinand (Marcel), Aubry (Gabriel), Goutte, Giuioux, Georges (Marcel), Videau (Vivien)).
15 June: Same situation. Bomb throwing and artillery fire from both sides. Work continues to improve the lines. In the evening, 1 and 2 Cos. relieve 3 and 4 Cos., which move back to the second line. At 2020 hrs, French engineers set off a camouflet (counter-charge) at 'Rn'. The blast is followed by a bomb fight and a fusillade for a quarter hour. Losses for the regiment on 15 June include 7 wounded (Sdts. Paulhiac, Verlegeu, Luinot (sp?), Beauvet, Lohé, Guimaucourt, Plautefere (sp?)).
16 June: At 0200 hrs an enemy patrol is seen in the old boyau that comes up to 40 meters to the right of the barricade in the Ravin Creux. This patrol is chased off with rifle fire. Around 1000 hrs German heavy bombs fall in the bottom of Ravin Sec and at the edges of the telephone boyau. At la Sapinière, around 1300 hrs, the German listening post opposite the French listening post 5 is bombarded for two hours. No response from the Germans. Losses for the regiment on 16 June include 1 killed and 12 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdt. Bourgeois (Georges).
Wounded: Sdts. Tagorce, Bolay, Duporet, Durieux, Jaradin, Yacks, Vanhelden, Delort, Venturi, Blerick, Espinosse, Wascken.
17 June: Calm night. Patrols go out but don't note any activity. Around 1100 hrs, heavy bombing and German mountain-gun fire which is silenced by a rain of 75 shells. The regiment's first and second lines are badly damaged. At 1530 hrs a few German bombs fall on the French first and second line trenches on the left (Sapinière) without causing much damage. Work is carried out to repair the trenches. The 3 and 4 Cos. (Sapinière) are relieved by two companies of 44 RIC and go to rest at La Harazée. Losses for the regiment on 17 June include 1 killed and 7 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdt. Brun (Claude).
Wounded: Cpl. Aubert (Henri); Sdts. Morin (Guillaume), Weppe, Lemaire (Léon), Laforce (Marcel), Lessienne, Vassot.
A detachment of reinforcements arrives at Florent coming from the depot of the 151:
Sous-Lieutenant Riancen and Sous-Lieutenant Royer
6 sergents
8 caporaux
255 men (11 from class of 1915, the remainder vets)
18-25 June: At 2330 hrs attempt to impede the regiment's work with grenades and bombs. At 0030 hrs the grenade fight continues. At 1555 hrs, the Germans explode a counter-mine in front listening post 6. At 1800 hrs, 1 and 2 Cos. are relieved at la Sapinière by 7 and 8 Cos. and go to billet at La Harazée. The 9 and 11 Cos. (Blanleuil) are relieved by 10 and 12 Cos. and go to rest at Florent. At 1930 hrs, the Germans heavily bombard the entire Blanleuil works with hand explosives and the regiment responds with pétards and bombs and an artillery barrage. Losses for the regiment on 18 June include 2 wounded (Sdts. Colot (Emile), Hochedez).
On 19 June, at 0330 hrs, exchange of bombs with the left company at Blanleuil for half an hour. Lively fusillade from both sides throughout the night. During the day, work continues to improve the trenches. Losses for the regiment on 19 June include 2 wounded (Sdts. Jean (Eugene), Dassouville (Paul)).
On 20 June, at 0500 hrs, Commandant Dô (1 Bat.) and 1 and 2 Cos. at rest at La Harazée march off to billet at Florent. The 5 and 8 Cos. in reserve of the sector in the third line and at Ravin Sec are relieved by 6 and 7 Cos. and go to rest at La Harazée. Heavy bombardment all morning in the Bagatelle sector. At 1200 hrs, Lieut.-Colonel Véron of the 44 RIC takes command of the Fontaine-Madame sub-sector and Moisson and his staff go to rest at Florent. At 1600 hrs, 10 and 12 Cos. are relieved at Blanleuil by 1 and 2 Cos. of 44 RIC, the former going to billet at Florent. Losses for the regiment on 20 June include 4 wounded (Sdts. Minol (sp?), Hiver (Alfred), Runigo (sp?), Goupil). On 21 June, at 0100 hrs, 3 and 4 Cos. in reserve at La Harazée go to rest at Florent. The 1 and 3 Bats. are therefore at rest. The 2 Bat. is still in reserve of the Fontaine-Madame sub-sector. Two new officers arrive to the regiment at Florent.
Situation remians the same on 21 June. At 0730 hrs General Deville (commanding 42 DI) reviews 1 and 3 Bats. at Florent and decorates them with the Croix de Guerre. The next day, at 0400 hrs, 1 Bat. leaves Florent and relieves at 0800 hrs 2 Bat/44 RIC at Enfants Perdus. At 1800 hrs 6 and 7 Cos. in reserve of the sub-sector (third line and line 'IN') are relieved by 5 and 8 Cos., the latter going to billet at La Harazée.
On 24 June, at 0400hrs, 3 Bat. departs Florent to for La Harazée. At 1830 hrs it relieves 1 Bat/44 RIC at Blanleuil. At 1500 hrs, Lieut.-Colonel Moisson relieves Lieut.-Colonel Véron (44 RIC) and takes command of the Fontaine-Madame sub-sector. Fight with bombs and pétards. Losses for the regiment on 24 June include 3 wounded (Sdts. Piquet (Auguste), Chapelain (Henri), Honet (Gaston)).
The night of 24-25 June is calm. The Germans can be heard working on a mine from the right side of the Patte d'Oie trench. At 1630 hrs, a violent fight with bombs breaks out at la Sapinière. The Germans throw a good number of square wooden boxes filled with explosives on a point located around 15 meters from our trench. Four meters of trench are damaged in the cut-out between P6 and P8. Throughout the day and night works is carried out to repair the trenches. Losses for the regiment on 25 June include 4 wounded (Sdts. Kefoulon (René), Garnier (Paul), Ginailhac (Antoine), Dumery).
26 June: During the night, underground work is heard near the Queue de Cochon. At 0500 hrs, the French send over Cellerier bombs to the German trenches in front Blanleuil, with no German response. At la Sapinière, the 151's positions come under fire from a German machine gun taking the cut-out by enfilade. At 2300 hrs, a patrol is sent out to inspect the German lines. At 1030 hrs there's a violent fight with bombs. At 1500 hrs, two German mines explode, one about 10 meters from listening post 8 and the other around the same distance away between P6 and P7. The posts are only lightly damaged. At 1800 hrs, 5 and 8 Cos. in reserve (second line and line 'IN') are relieved by 6 and 7 Cos., the latter going to rest at la Harazée. At 1830 hrs, the French set off a counter-mine (camouflet) in front of 'R2' as well as a mine in front of 'RI'. After the blast, the 151 sends over bombs and pétards, along with 58 mm mortar rounds. The Germans respond with 77 mm and minenwerfer fire. Losses for the regiment on 26 June include 2 killed and 17 wounded. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: Sdts. Wacheux (Théophile), Wallois (André).
Wounded: Sgts. Thomas (Louis), Ponceles (Raymond); Cap. Deturmont; Sdts. Costeroste, Vien (Ernest), Vergu, Touzet (Gaston), Vilbert, Verchave (Tobie), Delonard, Girard (Edouard), Louette (Camille), Chevaux (Alfred), Genin (Jules), Merienne (Marius), Richet, Bourdon (Alphonse).
27 June: At 0300 hrs, the Germans explode a mine in front of P5 (bis) only causing minor damage. At 0800 hrs, 1 Bat/151 RI is relieved at la Sapinière by 2 Bat/44 RIC. The 1 Bat. misses out on receiving breakfast at la Harazée and departs for la Croix Gentin to go to billets at 1000 hrs. Meanwhile, at Blanleuil mortar fire goes on several time throughout the day. Losses for the regiment on 27 June include 1 killed (Sdt. Wasmer (Armand)) and 9 wounded (Sdts. Branché, Lozis, Ragenard, Verdouck, Vallois (Arthur), Hermelin, Vincent (Maurice), Verein; M.B. Béranger).
28 June: The day is relatively calm. Mortar fire results in some light damage to the first line trenches. At 1500 hrs, 2 Bat. (in reserve of the sub-sector) relieves 3 Bat., the latter moving back to the reserve (2 Bat. had been relieved by 2 Bat/44 RIC). At 1800 hrs, 3 Bat. leaves for Florent, arriving at 2100 hrs. The 1 Bat. is at rest at la Croix Gentin. NOTE: According to Caporal-Fourrier Laporte, the regiment receives a distribution of gas masks on this day. These are likely the first Polyvalent compresses (or, 'P' pads). Losses for the regiment on 28 June include 2 killed (Sdt. Broyant; M.B.1 Desfores (Ernest)) and 9 wounded (Lt. Webanck; Cpl. Sézeral; Sdts. Sottin, Bracaval, Tonnet, Le Guedès (Yves), Druart (Louis), Brunelle, Lavalles, Benoit (Alphonse); MTR Goury (Reymond).
29 June: The 1 Bat. remains at rest at la Croix Gentin while 3 Bat. remains at Florent. The day is calm at Blanleuil. Exchange of bombs and pétards causing light damage that is quickly repaired. At 1300 hrs, Lieut.-Colonel Moisson is relieved by Lieut.-Colonel Veron (44 RIC) as commander of the sub-sector. Having received a furlough, Moisson hands command of the 151 over to Commandant Dô (1 Bat.), with Capitaine Chamaillard taking over command of the battalion. Losses for the regiment on 29 June include 1 killed (Sdt. Vervaerde) and 11 wounded (Sdts. Benoit (Alphonse), Deblangy, Moal, Verbille (Nestor), Lebredouchelle, Labelle (Paul), Gebert (Jules), Morvau (Louis), Nedelee, Verheige, Beranger (Charles)).
30 June: At Blanleuil, what had been the normal exchange mortar fire, at 0330 hrs suddenly exploded into a heavy bombardment by German artillery, minenwerfers, and bombs. It was the prelude to a massive infantry attack, which came at 0730 hrs along the entire Bois de la Greurie front. The assault falls on the companies of 2 Bat., the other two battalions of the regiment being off the lines and at rest at this time. After savage hand-to-hand fighting, German troops managed to establish (0800 hrs) a foothold on the Patte d'Oie separating Blanleuil from Ravin Sec. The company occupying Ravin Sec erects a barricade and continues to fight off the enemy until the evening. The Germans have taken the first line trench at Blanleuil. A counter-attack made by 6 Co. which had been in reserve pushes the German troops back but the company is unable to maintain its position in the first line. Lieutenant Bonnet, commanding 6 Co., is killed in this counter-attack.
Lieut. Emile Honoré Abel Bonnet
Barricades are established in the access boyaux of the first and second lines, and close quarter fighting using grenades goes on around these. At 1700 hrs, a counter-attack is launched by 3 Co/151 RI and a company of the 162 RI (4 Co. under Deslandes) which pushes the barricades up to the crest of Blanleuil and takes back the first line of the Patte d'Oie up to position 'R'. These two companies relieve the companies of 2 Bat., which move back into reserve.
Meanwhile, the 1 Bat/151 RI at rest at la Croix Gentin is alerted at 0500 hrs and put en route at 0610 hrs for La Harazée by way of la Chalade, arriving at Camp Deville at 0800 hrs. The commander of La Harazée sector keeps 3 Co. at his disposition and sends the other three (1, 2, 4 Cos.) to the nieghboring sector of Bagatelle. The village of La Harazée is bombarded heavily with asphyxiating gas shells. Fortunately, gas pads and goggles had been distributed just two days before to the 151. Putting on their anti-gas protection, the companies are able to pass through the gassed areas.
Reaching the Harazée-Bagatelle Road, 1 Bat. receives orders from Colonel Jeanpierre (in command of the Bagatelle sector) to move up to the height of the Beaumanoir PC. It is to take up second line positions behind the 8 BCP, linking up with the 16 BCP to the left and a battalion of the 154 RI on the right. The three companies moved into the designated positions, occupying Boyau de 'H' all the while being under heavy bombardment by German heavy artillery (105s and 210s). Around 1600 hrs, 1 Bat. receives the order to occupy the first line between Servon-Bagatelle Road and the Harazée-Bagatelle Road, a gap produced following the combat between the 16 BCP and the 8 BCP. Some elements of the 154 RI are sent out. A company and a half are placed in the first line in the abandoned Boyau du Poste de Decours, having in the boyau forming the second line a platoon. The 3 Co. is kept and at the disposition of the commander of sub-sector 'F' at the Beaumanoir PC. At 2330 hrs, 3 Co. is ordered to relieve a company of the 16 BCP in the first line placed to the right of the Servon-Bagatelle Road, which acts as the separating line of sectors 'F' and 'G'.
The 3 Bat/151 RI at rest at Florent is alerted at 0800 hrs and directed to la Croix Gentin where it remains until noon. The Machine-Gun Company follows suit. At 1200 hrs, 3 Bat/151 RI is ordered to proceed to La Harazée by way of Florent and la Chalade. It arrives at La Harazée at 1730 hrs, billeting at Camp Deville.
Losses for the regiment on 30 June include at least 19 killed, 134 wounded, 129 missing (282 total). However, due to the prevailing chaos these numbers can only be seen as preliminary. Heaviest hit were the 5 and 8 Cos. of 2 Bat., with a reported 93 and 103 casualties respectively. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: 1 Co.: Sous-Lieut. Richard (Henri) - 2 Co.: Sdts. Huguet (Robert), Triplet, Le Lay, Thorel - 5 Co.: Sdts. Lefebvre (Gustave), Dupont (Henri), Geraudal, Kerneis - 6 Co.: Lieut. Bonnet; Sdts. Gurinchard (sp?), Leclerq (Urbain) - 7 Co.: Cap. Turquer (Marcel); 8 Co.: Sgt. Rolina (Henri); Sdts. Marche (Maurice), Gauthier (René), Wallée, Sarrazin (Marcel), Vasseur (Gustave).
Wounded: 2 Co.: 7 - 3 Co.: 5 - 4 Co.: 3 - 5 Co.: 40 - 6 Co.: 25 - 7 Co.: 20 - 8 Co.: 32 - CMBI: 8 - CMTR: 4
Missing: 5 Co.: 49 - 6 Co.: 9 - 7 Co.: 6 - 8 Co.: 65 - Engineers Co. 6/3 bis.: 11.
Read Henri Laporte's (8 Co.) description of the days fighting here.
1 July: During the night, 1 Bat. attempts to organize its position. The boyau is dug down 40 cm (16") and two listening posts were created: one to the right, close to the old PC 'G', and the other to the left, close to the old first-aid post at the Pattes d'Oie. The work is very slow owing to the almost complete lack of entrenchment tools. Engineers hastily construct a second line position. Around 1030 hrs, a heavy bombardment of minenwerfers and heavy caliber shells opens up again, lasting until 1430 hrs. When the barrage lifts, the German infantry attacks the listening posts, in particular PC 'G', relying heavily on grenades. This attack is tenaciously repulsed, with many Germans being killed right on the parapet of the trench. At 1730 hrs, the enemy launches a new attack on the the left listening post. This is immediately repulsed and counter-attacked. A new attack is launched at 1830 hrs, which succeeds in taking the advanced post and penetrates the trench. Without having grenades to fight them off, the attackers advance rapidly. At 1900 hrs, having taken 60 meters of trench, the attack is finally halted. After reprovisioning with grenades, a second counter-attack is ordered at 2200 hrs. The fighting lasts all night and 20 meters of boyaux are retaken. At the same time that the counter-attack is launched, pioneers start working on a fall-back trench behind the lost trench in order to link the two posts cut-off by the enemy. Progress is only made slowly, as the pioneers are severely hampered by German troops who toss grenades over.
At Camp Deville, the 3 Bat. receives orders at 0030 hrs to report to Beaumanoir in order to conduct a counter-attack in sector 'F'. Two of the companies (9 and 10) are sent to Beaumanoir while the other two (11 and 12) are instructed by sector commander to dig fall-back trenches astride the Harazée-Bagatelle Road. At 0330 hrs, the French counter-attack is stopped in front of the enemy works. At 1200 hrs, 9 and 10 Cos. are ordered to extend the front of 1 Bat/151 RI in liaison with the 154 RI. The 11 and 12 Cos. move off to Côte 213 to establish the liaison between the 154 and 161 RI (12 Co. in the first line, 11 Co. in the second line). At 1900 hrs, 11 Co. is sent to Boyau de 'G' in support of 1 Bat/151 RI. A platoon of the Machine-Gun Company occupies the second line positions at the height of the Beaumanoir PC. At Blanleuil, the positions from the previous evening are held despite heavy bombardment. The second platoon of the Machine-Gun Company (under Lieut Antoine) is placed in the line 'IN' by the Fontaine-Madame stream.
Losses for the regiment on 1 July include at least 5 killed, 94 wounded, 10 missing (109 total). Again, these numbers can only be seen as preliminary. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: 1 Co.: Sdt. Billet - 2 Co.: Sdt. Kervadec - 9 Co.: Sdts. Adam (Jean) - 10 Co.: Sous-Lieut. Boulin (Louis) - 11 Co.: Sdt. Violleau.
Wounded: 1 Co.: 16 - 2 Co.: 12, including Aspirant Jubert - 3 Co.: 1 - 4 Co.: 13 - 5 Co.: 6 - 6 Co.: 8 - 7 Co.: 11 - 8 Co.: 4 - 9 Co.: 12 - 10 Co.: 7 - 12 Co.: 4
Missing: 1 Co.: 9 - 7 Co.: 1
2 July: At Bagatelle, 1 and 3 Bats. under orders of Commandant Dô occupy the Sector 'G' between the Sevron-Bagatelle Road and PC 'G'. Owing to the high losses in the preceding days, the first line must be filled with elements originally placed in the second line. To occupy the second line there remains only 11 Co. Until 1330 hrs, the firing calms down somewhat, though grenade fights continue to the left of the line where the Germans had captured the French trenches the evening before. Then at 1330 hrs, a massive bombardment erupts again along the entire sub-sector front. Minens and heavy caliber shells (105s and 210s) fall with great precision on the first and second lines, killing and wounding many men. Around 1610 hrs, the bombardment ceases and a strong infantry attack hits the right front of PC 'G' and to the right of this point. The 10 Co. is overwhelmed on its right by the enemy, which then attacks the second line from the rear.
At the same time, the Germans moves rapidly in the direction of La Harazée and take the second line of Sector 'H'. They are finally stopped in front of Côte 213 by a French counter-attack. With some men still in the left section of the second line, the battalion commander looks to re-establish liaison with the rest of the battalion. A dozen meters of boyau are retaken using grenades but the liaison is impossible. The remnants of 1 and 3 Bats. of the regiment are reassembled at night and relieved in the sector by the 168 RI.
At Blanleuil, until 1500 hrs, things remain relatively calm save some exchanges of bombs and grenades. At 1500 hrs, a violent bombardment erupts. The left section of Blanleuil is taken by enfilade by German machine-guns placed in Sector 'H' and at Enfants Perdus. The first line is made untenable by the fire. At 1600 hrs, the Germans attack the Patte d'Oie. The first line is evacuated at Blanleuil as well as Ravin Sec after a stubborn resistance is put up. Barricades are established in the access boyaux where the fighting continues until evening.
Cmdt. Hermant Valentin Remy.
Losses for the regiment were quickly mounting as entire companies simply ceased to exist. On 2 July, regimental losses include at least 12 killed, 114 wounded, 281 missing (407 total). Included in the missing were Commandants Dô and Remy. Remy distinguished himself in the fighting by tenaciously resisting the German attackers. Remy refused to surrender even when it was clear that capture or death were his only options. According to reports, Remy was wounded and eventually taken prisoner, but before he could get out of danger, he was struck in the head by a bullet and killed. (His German captors later rendered him posthumous honors and citing him as an example of heroism.) The hardest hit were 1 Co. (97 lost), 9 Co. (78 lost), and 10 Co. (109 lost). The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: 2 Co.: Sgt. Barbet (André); Sdts. Mitrone, Rires - 10 Co.: Sgt. Sturry (Paul); Sdts. Bonnet (Amedée), Calmels, Lefort (Desiré), Brassart (Georges), Rion - 12 Co.: Cap. Bodi (Auguste); Leiguel, Vincent (Joseph) - MG Co.: Sdt. Salembrir.
Wounded: 1 Co.: 18 - 2 Co.: 36 - 4 Co.: 7 - 5 Co.: 1 - 6 Co.: 5 - 7 Co.: 16 - 8 Co.: 2 - 9 Co.: 2 - 10 Co.: 19 - 12 Co.: 8.
Missing: 1 Co.: 79 - 3 Co.: 1 - 4 Co.: 23 - 7 Co.: 6 - 9 Co.: 76 - 10 Co.: 84 - 12 Co.: 3 - CHR: 1.
3 July: The 1 and 3 Bat. receive orders at 0100 hrs to return to La Harazée after being relieved. There they will receive from the colonel commanding the 84 BI orders to move off to Florent for rest. Leaving at 1100 hrs, they arrive at Florent at 1400 hrs. With Commandant Dô missing, command of the regiment falls to Commandant Adamy of the 2 Bat., while Capitaine Le Boulanger takes command of 3 Bat. for the missing Commandant Remy. Both Dô and Remy would later be confirmed as killed in action.
At Blanleuil, the remains of 2 Bat. receive orders at 0800 hrs to occupy Tranchée de la Source [running along the southern edge of Ravin Sec], the engineers magazine barricade, and the gabion works (gabionnage). The 8 Co. is sent to the Trancheé des Mitrailleuses at 1130 hrs where it remains until 1600 hrs, exposed to serious losses due to the enemy fire coming from Blanleuil. Consequently, it's forced to evacuate part of the trench. Around 2200 hrs, 2 Bat. is relieved at Tranchee de la Source, the barricade, and a portion of the Tranchée des Mitrailleuses by 5 Bat/261 RI. The 2 Bat. and 3 Co. march to Florent where it arrives at 0500 hrs on 4 July.
Losses for the regiment recorded on 3 July include at least 12 killed, 103 wounded, 194 missing (309 total). The companies with the highest losses were 2 Co. (80 lost) and 11 Co. (88 lost), although the losses suffered by 5 Co. (31) on top of its previous heavy losses also stand out. The casualties recorded in the JMO include:
Killed: 2 Co.: Cap-Fourrier Montaux - 3 Co.: Sdts. Lombart, Courbebaiise, Waroux, Poulain (Fernand) - 6 Co.: Sdt. Geurin (Marcel) - 7 Co.: Sgt. Gauttieu (sp?); Sdt. Jacquemet (sp?) - 8 Co.: Sdt. Albert (Georges) - 11 Co.: Sdts. Fouladoux, Draucourt - 12 Co.: Cap. Rolland (Paul).
Wounded: 2 Co.: 20 - 3 Co.: 5 - 5 Co.: 10 - 7 Co.: 19 - 8 Co.: 3 - 11 Co.: 36 - 12 Co.: 8. CHR: 2.
Missing: 1 Co.: 1 - 2 Co.: 59 - 3 Co.: 6 - 4 Co.: 32 - 5 Co.: 21 - 6 Co.: 23 - 7 Co.: 2 - 11 Co.: 50
Over three days, the JMO recorded a loss of over 1,100 men and officers. If it's assumed that the regiment was a little under full strength (the exact effective is not shown in the JMO), this constitutes a loss of 37%. Five companies (1, 2, 5, 8, 10) had suffered at least over 50% casualties, 5 Co. suffering the highest known loss (over 60%). A large proportion of the casualties were listed as missing. While some of these men may have eventually reported from duty after having been separated from their commands, certainly a large number of these were with killed, wounded or taken prisoner. The post-war historical cites the number of losses for the 151 between 30 June and 3 July as 1,330 (40% loss), which may be closer to the final tally. Without official casualty reports, the real figure cannot be known. Nevertheless, the 151 had effectively lost half of it's strength in just three horrendous days.