First-Hand Accounts of the 151e R.I.

The Last Letter of Sub-Lieutenant George Le Balle

Sub-Lieutenant George Le Balle (class of 1913), assigned to the 11th Co., had just turned 21 when he was killed on August 22, 1914 near Baslieux in the Battle of Pierrepont. His final letter was found close to his body.

22 August 1914.

My dear Parents and greatly-loved little Sisters,

When you receive this card, your dear boy will be no more. Making a patrol with 6 men, a bullet was fired a few meters away from me, which severed the artery in my thigh. So, abandoned, I have lived for another 24 hours and have been in God's embrace, where I will find you again sooner or later. So don't cry too much but pray for me.

My last thoughts will be of you and of God! I kiss you for the last time, very long and tenderly.

Your dear boy and kid brother saying, see you once more in eternity.


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