Movement With Arms
The following information is taken from the Manuel du Chef de Section d'Infanterie ("The Manual of the Infantry Section Leader") dated January 1918.

("Order Arms")

The barrel facing to the rear, the stock between the thumb and the two first fingers of the right hand, the other fingers elongated, the arm elongated naturally, the heel of the butt against the outside point (little toe) of the right foot, the weapon balanced.
("At Ease")

Place the right hand flat on the the weapon which is pressed against the body, and rest in place observing silence, but without being at attention or immobile.
("Present Arms")

(1) Lift the weapon vertically with the right hand, the elbow pressed against the body, seizing it with the left hand between the sight and the bolt box, the thumb elongated in the groove of the stock. Continue lifting the weapon with the left hand, which stops at the height of the shoulder, while the right hand is placed on the butt plate, the beak between the first two fingers, the others wrapped under the butt (2). Note that the manual does not state that the left elbow be projected forward and the forearm be parallel to the ground. That position was a subtle modification made after the war. Rather, the left forearm should simply be held close to the chest.
("Return Arms")

("Rest Arms")
Let go of the butt with the right hand, lower the weapon with the left hand along and close to the body, seizing it above the grenadière (lower sling swivel) with the right hand which is then pressed against the hip (1). Quickly return the left hand into rank. Finally, place the butt on the ground without striking it and take up the position of "Order Arms" (2).
("Shoulder Arms")
    To "Shoulder Arms" from "Order Arms":

L'arme sur l'épaule,
Present the weapon as prescribed above (1 & 2). Next, lift the weapon onto the right shoulder while sliding it into the left hand which is placed on the butt with the fingers joined, the trigger guard not going past the shoulder, the barrel inclined slightly to the left, the beak of the butt about 10 cm (4") from the middle of the body, the elbow pressed in tight (3). Once positioned, quickly return the left hand into rank.
    To "Shoulder Arms" from "Present Arms":
Same manner as prescribed in steps 2. and 3. above.
    From "Shoulder Arms" to "Present Arms":
Straighten the weapon out vertically, elongating the right arm quickly. At the same time, seize it with the left hand between the sight and bolt box, and take the position of "Present Arms."
    From "Shoulder Arms" to "Rest Arms":

(1) Present the weapon as prescribed above (2). Next, let go of the butt with the right hand, lower the weapon with the left hand along and close to the body, seizing it above the grenadière (lower sling swivel) with the right hand which is then pressed against the hip. Next, quickly return the left hand into rank. Finally, place the butt on the ground without striking it and take up the position of "Order Arms" (3).
("Sling Arms")

(1) Suspend the weapon by the sling on the right shoulder and maintain it vertically with the right hand which seizes the end of the sling close to the butt swivel, the barrel facing to the rear (2). The position of "Sling Arms," with the hand low and the barrel vertical, is employed during cadenced marches. During "Route Step" marches, the soldier can change the position of the right hand or suspend the weapon from the left shoulder.
("Fix Bayonets")

Lean the weapon with the right hand so as to lower the rifle muzzle, holding it about 10 cm (4") from the chest (1) and with the left hand inverted, seize the handle of the bayonet. Pull out the bayonet with left hand, fixing it to the end of the rifle muzzle, pressing on the croisière (the hilt of the bayonet) with the thumb (2). Return to the position of "Order Arms" (3).
("Unfix Bayonets")

Lean the weapon with the right hand so as to lower the rifle muzzle, holding it about 10 cm (4") from the chest. Slide the right hand under and close to the embouchoir (upper sling swivel), at the same time seizing with the left hand the handle of the bayonet and the muzzle, with the thumb on the push-button. Press on the push-button, lifting off the bayonet and inverting it to the right, point facing down (1).Lower the croisière against the right hand which seizes the blade between the thumb and the two first fingers elongated, the others holding the weapon. Return the left hand without letting go of the handle, fix the eyes on the scabbard opening and slide the bayonet into the scabbard in the direction of the trouser seam (2). Return to the position of "Order Arms" (3).
("Charge Bayonet")

Execute the first movements of CHARGEZ, but lowering the weapon, the right hand resting on the hip at the end of the second movement, without placing the finger on the trigger.The position of l'arme au pied or l'arme sur l'épaule droite is retaken using the movements described previously.
("Charge Step")
The charge step is performed with baïonnette au canon, according to the same rules as the pas cadencé. Its speed is gradually increased, depending on the circumstances, until the soldier comes to a run to close with the enemy (à là baïonnette).
Pas de charge,
At the command of Pas de charge, place the weapon in front of the body, the bayonet high, the right hand grasping the small of the stock and in front of the hip, the left hand at the height of the left nipple.
("Stack Arms")
    When in line:
Each even numbered man in the first rank passes his weapon in front of him, seizing it near the embouchoir (upper sling swivel) with the left hand and places the butt in the middle of the interval between himself and his neighbor to his left, the barrel facing to the rear. Next, he seizes, near the embouchoir, the weapon of the soldier behind him, placing the butt 75 cm (30") in front of his right shoulder, the barrel facing to the left, and crosses the quillons, his own on top of his neighbors.Each odd numbered man in the first rank seizes his weapon with both hands between the embouchoir (upper sling swivel) and the grenadière (lowersling swivel), introduces his quillon from behind into the quillons already crossed and places the butt against the outside point (little toe) of his left foot. The stack now formed, the odd numbered man in the second rank passes his weapon to his file leader (#1 in the first rank) who places it on the stack. It is prohibited to lean more than two rifles on a formed stack.
    When in column of fours:
The stack is formed between the four men of each rank of four by the #2 man starting from the right. The #2 passes his weapon in front of him, seizing it near the embouchoir (upper sling swivel) with the left hand and places the butt in the middle of the interval between himself and his neighbor to his left, the barrel facing to the rear. Next, he seizes, near the embouchoir, the weapon of the #3 man, placing the butt 75 cm (30") in front of his right shoulder, the barrel facing to the left, and crosses the quillons, his own on top of his neighbors.The #1 man seizes his weapon with both hands between the embouchoir and the grenadière (upper sling swivel), introduces his quillon from behind into the quillons already crossed and places the butt against the outside point (little toe) of his left foot. The stack now formed, the #4 man passes his weapon to the #2 who then places it on the stack. It is prohibited to lean more than two rifles on a formed stack.
("Unstack Arms")
The odd numbered man of the second rank takes his weapon with the right hand from his file leader. The men of the first rank seize the weapons near the embouchoir (upper sling swivel) as done when the stack was formed. Together they lift the stack in order to unstuck it, and the four soldiers return their weapons back to the side of their feet.
("Ground Packs")
    When in line:
The packs are formed into a square-shaped pile of four packs in front of the odd numbered man in the first rank.
    When in column:
The stack of packs is formed in front of the #3, between the rifle stacks and the middle of the road. In order to facilitate this movement, the captain prescribes that, when the column is on the road, the men not armed with rifles that have quillons form one or two ranks to the left of their section.
French Glossary of Weapons Parts:
Le Lévier = bolt
La Culasse = breech
La Hausse = sight
Le Canon = barrel/muzzle
La Bouche de Canon = muzzle
Le Auget = trough
Le Store = magazine
Le Fût = stock
L' Échancrure = Breech (chamber)
Le Bouton Quadrillé = trough button
La Poignée = small of the stock (handle)