Campaign History of the 151e Régiment d'Infanterie
The following is a transcription of the official campaign history of the 151 RI, or Journal des Marches et Operations (JMO), made by Johnathan Bracken. Please note that the transcription is a work in progress and that it is not intended to be a word-for-word copy of the JMO; sections where little or no activity was occurring have been omitted. Nonetheless, this still provides the reader a detailed account of the regiment's actions From July 1914 to (eventually) November 1918.
Where a terrain feature appears commonly it has been left untranslated, including:
Côte - "Hill" (e.g. Côte 304 is "Hill 304")
Bois - "Wood(s)" (e.g. Bois de Doncourt is "Doncourt Wood")
Moulin - "Windmill" (e.g. Moulin de Conandray is "Conandray Windmill")
Carrières - "Quarries" (e.g. Carrières d'Haudraumont is "Haudraumont Quarries")
Tranchée - "Trench" (e.g. Tranchée de Rancourt is "Rancourt Trench")
Boyau(x) - "Communication Trench(es)" (e.g. Boyau des chats is "Cats Comm. Trench")
Fortin - "Trench Fortress / Works" (e.g. fortin 414 is "Works 414")
Ouvrage - "Fortress / Works" (e.g. ouvrage B is "Works B")
The following are the abbreviations used for military formations: RI is Régiment d'Infanterie, RIR is Régiment d'Infanterie de Réserve, RA is Régiment d'Artillerie, BCP is Battalion de Chasseurs á Pied, BI is Brigade d'Infanterie, DI is Division d'Infanterie, DR is Division de Réserve, CA is Corps d'Armée, PC is Poste de Commandement, DD is Dépôt de Division.
Finally a note about the casualty figures here. These figures are drawn from the JMO and cannot be taken as entirely accurate. What is present in the JMO is what was known to the regimental scribe at the time of writing and the official casualty reports are not available to the author at this time. The JMO also does not record the number of men evacuated due to illness or non-combat related injury. While the JMO of the 42 DI stretcher-bearers does record the number of troops sent to hospital, it does not specify the unit of the evacuee.
Battle of the Frontiers (14 July - 26 August)
Battle of Pierrepont/Baslieux (22-26 August)
Battle of the Marne - Part I (6-8 September)
Battle of the Marne - Part II - (9-11 September)
Battle of the Aisne (12-30 September)
Battle of the Yser and Ypres (19 October - 10 November)
Operations in Belgium (11 November - 31 December)
In the Argonne - Part I (15 January - 28 February)
In the Argonne - Part II (1 March - 5 May)
In the Argonne - Part III (6 May - 3 July)
In the Argonne - Part IV (4-17 July)
Second Champagne Offensive (1 August - 6 October)
In Champagne (7 October - 31 December)
Specialist Training and Refitting (1 January - 24 February)
March to Verdun (25 February - 9 March)
Verdun - First Tour - Part I (10-16 March)
Verdun - First Tour - Part II (17-29 March)
Verdun - Second Tour - Part I (5-9 April)
Verdun - Second Tour - Part II (10-13 April)
Verdun - Third Tour - Part I (5-19 May)
Verdun - Third Tour - Part II (20-24 May)
Recovery from Verdun and Rebuilding (25 May - 18 September)
The Somme - First Tour (20-29 September)
The Somme - Second Tour (17 October - 6 November)
Recovering and Refitting (7 November 1916 - 14 April 1917)
Chemin-des-Dames - Part I (15-16 April)
Chemin-des-Dames - Part II (17 April - 3 May)
The Crisis of Morale and Return from the Brink (5-30 May) (1 June - 14 July)
Second Battle of Verdun (16 July - 14 September)
Recuperation and Training Americans (15 September - 30 December)
Holding the Lines (1 January - 5 June)
Battle of the Matz (6-14 June)
Second Battle of the Marne (17 July - 10 August)
Battle of Soissons (28-31 August)
End of the War (8 September - 11 November)
Occupation Duty (November 1918 - July 1919)
Basteau, Roger. "Carnet de route du lieutenant Roger Basteau du 151e RI (Jan. 1915–Nov. 1918)", 1KT 187 – Fonds Basteau, Service historique de la Défense de l’Armée de Terre, Vincennes.
Bordinat, Charles Auguste. Grande Guerre Européene 1914-1918 - Mémoires et souvenirs des Episodes, Passages, Etc. - Vecus Pendant Cette Grande Guerre.
Bourgoin, Colonel E.L. "1914–1918 – Extraits des mémoires d’un officier du 151e RI. 1KT 85 – Papiers Bourgoin", Service historique de la Défense de l’Armée de Terre, Vincennes.
Camapana, Roger. 1914-1964: Treize de Saint-Cyr dans la Grande guerre de 1914-1918. Debresse: Paris, 1964.
Laporte, Henri. Journal d’un poilu. Mille et Une Nuits: Paris, 1998.
Jubert, Raymond and Gérard Canini. Verdun, mars-avril-mai 1916. Presses universitaires de Nancy: Nancy, 1989.
Journal des Marches et Opérations - 151e RIL - 26 N 697/6 - 26 N 697/12
Journal des Marches et Opérations - 84e BI - 26 N 520/1 - 26 N 520/8
Journal des Marches et Opérations - 42e DI - 26 N 342/1 - 26 N 342/7
151e Régiment d’Infanterie août 1914 –- août 1918, 25 N 155 –- Carnets d’ordres, 25 N 156-159 –- Operations, - Service Historique de la Défense de l’Armée de Terre, Vincennes.
42e Division d’Infanterie –- 1e Bureau –- 24 N 975-977 –- Situations, pertes, - Service Historique de la Défense de l’Armée de Terre, Vincennes.