Pictures of the Regiment
Also see the page Roll of the 151e Dead.
Colonel Deville, Colonel Marie-Philippe-Edouard Dillemann, Colonel Edouard J.V. Moisson, Lieut.-Colonel Gaston Perchenet, Colonel Martin [du Theil]

Captain Adjudant-Major Bourgoin with Chef de Bataillon Caisez holds the fanion of 1e Bataillon of the 151 RI decorated with the palm of the Croix de Guerre in 1918.

Major Vignes (commander of 2e Bataillon / 151 e R.I.) Dec. 1918.

Adjutant-Major Doctor Dalidet (2e Bataillon), ca. 1918.
Lieutenant Pierre Louis Le Gallo. Killed in action on 20 May 1916 at Mort Homme during the Battle of Verdun.

Lieutenant Jean Arthaud de la Ferriere in April 1917 at the Chemin-des-Dames. De la Ferriere would be killed in action on 6 June 1918 at Gornay-sur-Aronde.

Lieut. Raymond Jubert (2nd from left) with other officers of the 151e and 94e R.I., 1916.

Left: Sous Lieutenant Raoul Mercier de Sainte Croix. Center: Lieutenant Roger Basteau, 1916. Right: Sgt. Aristide Joseph Machu, wounded twice, cited multiple times for bravery, and recipient of the Croix de Guerre with gold star, died 15 August 1918.

Captain Raoul Mercrier de Sainte Croix, attached to the US 51st Infantry Brigade staff in 1918.

Sdt. Pierre Rouquet, 1916.

Lance-Corporal Henri Laporte, 1916.

Left: Sdt. Auguste Louis Leclercq in 1915. Right: Sgt. Auguste Louis Leclercq with dog.

Unidentified sergeant with a dog. (Photo courtesy of Brennan Gauthier).

Two soldiers of the 151, ca. early 1915.

Regimental staff, ca. 1918.

A machine-gun team ca. spring 1915. The photo belonged to Soldat 1e Cl. Camille Duval (kneeling on right) and the image is courtesy of Patrick Avenel.

A group of officers of the 151 RI and 94 RI, recuperating from wounds in the rear, ca. ca. summer 1915.

Left: NCO, corporal, and two soldiers of the 151, ca. 1917-18. Right: Sdt. Henri Felix Mongin (reservist) ca. early 1915 -- Mongin man still wears the insignia of the 351 RIR on his kepi indicating how recent his transfer was at the time this portrait was taken. Mongin was killed 9/4/1916.

A soldier of the 151 stands in a family portrait in his new uniform.

Soldiers of the 15-1, ca. 1917-18.

The Machine Gun Section (25e Company) of the 15-1 at the Douarnenez depot (Finistere), ca. Fall 1914.
The regimental band, ca. 1916. (Photo courtesy of Ian McWherter)

Detail from photo above.

Detail from photo above.

Detail from photo above.

A section of new recruits at the relocated 151 depot in Quimper (Brittany), December 1916. Note that the recruits are all equipped in older style uniforms and equipment, most likely old stock piles drawn from the depot. Recruits would receive new gear immediately before departing for their unit at the front.

Detail from the photo above.

Detail from the photo above.

Undated photo of a group of new recruits to the 151 RI taken at Quimper, likely between 1916 and 1918. As noted in the caption above, these recruits are all equipped in older style uniforms and equipment, most likely old stock piles drawn from the depot. Recruits would receive new gear immediately before departing for their unit at the front. (Image courtesy of Ian McWherter)

The officers of the 3 Battalion at Marainviller in July 1916. From left to right: Unknown sous-lieut., Lieut. Conduzorgues (11 Co.), Lieut. Guillot, Sous-Lieut. Dumesnil (9 Co.), Medecin Lieut. Minkowski, Lieut. Bourgoin (10 Co.), Lieut. Baillat (color-bearer), Sous-Lieut. Platte (10 Co.), Capt. Adj. Major Delavaivre, Sous-Lieut. Collin (10 Co.), Capt. Gelly (transferred from 2e Chasseurs), unknown lieut., Capt. Autier (9 Co.).

The regiment receiving its Croix de Guerre fourragere from General Fayolle (2), at Camp Mailly, 28 June 1917. Colonel Edouard Moisson is to the right (1).

Another photo of the regiment receiving its Croix de Guerre fourragere from General Fayolle, at Camp Mailly, 28 June 1917. Colonel Moisson stands at right and the color-bearer is Lieutenant Donsimoni

Colonel Moisson receiving his Croix de Guerre fourragere from General Fayolle, at Camp Mailly, 28 June 1917.

A delegate party from the regiment commanded by Captain Bourgoin, Lieutenant Courreaux, Second Lieutenant Baillat (flag-bearer) and a complement of 36 men and NCOs detailed to march in Paris for a 14th of July parade, 14 July 1917.

Detail from the above photo. Sergent Menevielle stands at far left.

1. Aspirant L'Huillier; 2. Capitaine Adj.-Major Bourgoin; 3. Sous-Lieutenant Baillat (Baya); 4. Soldat / Brancardier Charles Léon Henon (KIA 21 July 1918); 5. Lieutenant Pierre Auguste Coureaux (KIA 10 June 1918). The bouquet held by Baillat was given to the men by a young woman who had come looking for their delegate party. Later, Henon requested to place the flowers on the graves of some of his comrades.

A delegate party from the regiment, commanded by Captain Bourgoin (marked with an "X") detailed to march in Paris for a 14th of July parade, 14 July 1918.

10e Compagnie advancing under shell-fire north of Bois Beliers on 16 April 1917 (opening day of the Chemin-des-Dames offensive).

Soldiers of the 151e R.I. at barracks in 1902.

Soldiers of the 151e R.I. in Verdun, 1908.

Soldiers of the 7e Company, 151e R.I. on exercises on the Etain Road (Verdun), in 1911. The man standing 2nd from the right (marked) is Soldat Andre Lavigne.
Soldiers of the 7e Company, 151e R.I. on exercises on the Etain Road (Verdun), in 1911. The man kneeling 4th from the right (marked) is Soldat Andre Lavigne.
From left to right: Caporal Tergnier, Soldat Lemasson, Andre Lavigne and Margan of the 7e Company, 151e R.I. in barracks ("Miribel"), 1911.
Newly promoted corporals in front of Miribel Barracks, 1913.

"Miribel" (Verdun), the regiment's barracks, before the war.

"Miribel" (Verdun), the regiment's barracks, in 1914.

The regiment at rest in August 1914.

Some poilus of the regiment sheltering along an embankment, ca. 1915.

A trench of the 15-1 with soldiers donning M2 gas masks, ca. 1916.

The regiment receiving awards.

The village of Rancourt -- where the regiment fought during the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

The village of Rancourt in 1917 -- where the regiment fought during the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

"Miribel," the regiment's barracks in Verdun today.

"Miribel," the regiment's barracks in Verdun today.