
Les Grenades à Main (Hand Grenades):

The following is a selection of the most common models. For more detail on each, the following sites are recommended: and specifically for detailed photos:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Pétard Raquette ["Racket Bomb"]
2. Pétard (for barbed-wire destruction)
3. Boule model 1914
4. Besozzi
5. P1 (a.ka. Pear or Spoon) model 1915
6. P2 model 1915
7. P3 model 1915
8. F1 with model 1916 Percussion fuze
9. F1 with model 1916 Billant fuze
10. F2 model 1915
11. CF (a.k.a. Lemon) model 1916 with 1st cap type
12. CF model 1916 with 2nd cap type
13. OF with model 1916 Billant fuze
14. OF with model 1916 Percussion fuze

Smoke, Incindiary and Gas:
1 2 3 4

1. Smoke and incendiary AB model 1916
2. Smoke and incindiary model 1916
3. Incindiary model 1916
4. Gas (suffocant) & incindiary model 1916

1 2

1. Unknown model
2. Bengale light

Les Grenades à Fusil (Rifle Grenades):

Explosive, Illumination, Message:
1 2 3 4

1. VB (explosive)
2. VB (illumination)
3. VB (message)
4. DR (explosive)

Miscellaneous Weapons

  • 37 mm TR gun, model 1916
  • 'Hersent' flame-thrower