les Baïonettes (Bayonets):
Sabre-baïonette (Sabre-bayonet) model 1874 (Gras rifle)
Épée-baïonette (Sword-bayonet) model 1886 with quillon or "catcher" and nickle-silver handle. Blade is 52 cm in length.
Épée-baïonette (Sword-bayonet) model 1886/15 without quillon and brass handle). Blade is 52 cm in length.
les Lances-Grenades (Rifle Grenade Launchers):
V.B. (Vivien-Bessière) tromblon ("blunderbuss")
D.R. mandrel
  V.B. tromblon       D.R. mandrel
les Lunettes (Sniper Scopes):
There was no special rifle produced or distributed to snipers in the French army. Rather, the Lebel rifle was simply augmented with the addition of a telescopic scope. These were usually issued on a regimental level (one per section) or to soldiers demonstrating excellent marksmanship.
*APX model 1916 or 1917
Practical range: 800 m (2,625 feet)
Specs: 3X magnification, field of view of 13 thousandths adjustable from 50 to 800 m
Mount: steel frame screwed into bolt box on the left side of rifle
Manufacturer: l'Atelier de Puteaux, APX - ("Puteaux Workshop")
*The difference between the model 1916 and the model 1917 came down to different mounts.
Lebel m. 1886/93, with APX m. 1916 telescopic sniper scope.
APX m. 1916 telescopic sniper scope.
APX m. 1917 telescopic sniper scope.