Official Charter of the Unit

Name of Organization

Le 151e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (151st Line Infantry Regiment), abbreviated as 151e RIL or 151 RI


The 151e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (151e RIL or 151 RI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit living-history organization dedicated to the remembrance and perpetuation of the Great War of 1914-1918. Through educational living-histories, reenactments, and online publishings, we portray and interpret for the public the infantrymen of the French army of the period.

Our impression is that of the ordinary French foot-soldier, or Poilu (which means "scruffy" or "hairy"). The regiment that we portray -- more informally known as the Quinze-Un -- was a front-line unit that served throughout the entire war with distinction. Our membership comes from all walks of life and all aged groups. The mass-mobilization of French male citizens meant that men from aged 18 to 50 served in the French army. This wide age bracket is reflected in our own membership.


The unit's primary purpose is to honor the memory and sacrifice of French soldiers who served in the Great War of 1914-1918. While doing so, unit members learn about the Great War and the French army so that they may gain a better understanding of the average soldier's experience. Research and documentation play a central role in our approach to reenacting. That includes documenting the uniform and equipment used, reading the letters and diaries of the soldiers, adopting French names to use at our reenactments, preparing French cuisine of the period, and singing French army songs. We try to go beyond the books to get a glimpse of the daily lives of these men. With this gained knowledge, we then set out to educate others in the reenacting community and the general public through historical interpretation at living-histories and historical publishings online. We will always strive to respectfully portray the real people caught up in a brutal war.


Membership in the unit is open to males age 18 years or older who wish to accurately portray the documented impression of the 151 RI. There are four levels of membership: provisory; full; honorary; and patron.

  • Provisory member (new recruit):
    1) no say in unit affairs
    2) no obligation to pay into the Unit Trench Fund (see section below)
    3) no ownership of Unit Property (see section below)
    4) can not hold rank in the unit
    5) must attend at least two GWA National events at Newville, PA after which time he is eligible to become a full member

  • Full member:
    1) attended at least two GWA National events at Newville, PA, and remains an active participant in unit events or unit affairs
    2) adhered to the unit's authenticity guidelines (see section below)
    3) made reasonable efforts to assemble their a basic kit, which meets the unit's authenticity standards
    4) adopted an appropriate French first and last name (see section below)
    5) contributed in money or resources (time, labor, donations) to the Unit Trench Fund and Unit Property

  • Honorary member:
    1) nominated by a full member and approved by the unit commander to participate in events with the unit
    2) no obligation to pay into the Unit Trench Fund (see section below)
    3) no ownership of Unit Property (see section below)

  • Patron member:
    1) in Full membership standing (see above)
    2) contributed significant funds (min. $100) or resources (time, labor, donations) to the Unit Trench Fund or Unit Property (e.g. lodgings, tools, camping supplies)

    Unit Trench Fund

    The Unit Trench Fund was established as a means to fund special projects that serve the benefit of the entire unit and contribute to its overall mission. Special projects can include the purchasing of lumber and materials for the construction of structural improvements to or furnishments for unit lodgings (the bunker at Newville, PA), revetment materials to maintain unit trenches, historical or modern tools or equipment to be available for use by members, and other unit initiatives. Contributions for special projects are made on an as-needed basis as determined by the unit membership at large.

    When a call is made for special project funding all full members (see definition above) must contribute. The minimum contribution that each member must make will be determined on a per project basis and will derive primarily from the cost of supplies and materials to be used for that project. For higher cost projects, a full member who contributes $100 or more will be considered a “patron” of the unit and will be given priority when it comes to bunk assignments in the bunker. Alternately, a full member who significantly contributes non-monetary resources (time, labor, donations) will likewise be considered a “patron” and receive the same bunk assignment priority. Such work does not include normal labor and chores carried out during the course of a reenactment.

    Important: No reimbursements will be provided for monetary donations made to the Unit Trench Fund, either at the time of donating or a later date. This includes members who leave or are expelled from the unit.

    Unit Property

    Unit Property is defined as materials that serve the benefit of the entire unit and are intended for common use by unit members. Primarily this means the unit bunker, construction and encampment tools (e.g. shovels, picks, weed whackers, digging bars), and camping materials (e.g. lanterns, candle holders, bunker furnishments). Specifically as the term Unit Property applies to the 151 RI bunker, ownership lies with the current unit membership. The individual value each member receives is the use of the bunker while active in the unit. No future monetary reimbursements will be provided for monetary or material donations made to the bunker or any other form of Unit Property. If a member leaves or is expelled from the unit, that person may claim the items previously provided for common use. However, no monetary reimbursement will be provided for normal wear and tear or damage suffered to the item.

    Important: Former patron members returning to the unit after a period of inactivity are entitled to receive reasonable accommodations in the bunker during events if available.

    Unit Event Provisions

    Funding for the purchase of unit provisions for reenactments and living-histories is typically done on a per event basis. In most cases, the total costs incurred for the purchase of provisions will be equally divided among those members attending the event. Event provisions include food and beverages for meals, items distributed for individual use or consumption, bunker supplies, and other materials to be used by the unit.

    Unit Events

    Unit events fall into three main categories:

  • Public and non-public reenactments at the GWA site at Newville, PA, or other private locations
  • Public living-histories at private and government sites (e.g. Fort Mifflin in Philadelphia, AHEC in Carlisle, PA)
  • Work weekends at Newville, PA

    Authenticity Guidelines

    All unit members are expected to abide by the 151 RI standards of authenticity outlined in the Authenticity Guidelines section.

    Individual and Unit Conduct Guidelines

    All unit members are expected to abide by the 151 RI individual and unit conduct policies outlined in the Individual and Unit Conduct Policies section.

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