Original Artwork - Page 10

Paintings and drawings made during the war, mostly by the combattants themselves

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Georges Bruyer

The Trench

Ernest Gabard

La Harazée, Dec. 27, 1915

Ricardo Flores

The Potatoe

Soldiers undergoing gas training by Ernest Gabard, 1915.

Exit of the Gas Cabin

Renaults advancing on the battlefield by Lucien Jonas


Lucien Jonas

The Grenadiers

From the trench paper

The Rookies

From the trench paper

The Clowners

From the trench paper

The Rolling Kitchen

Joseph Lesage, 1916

Poilu Portrait

Joseph Lesage

Old and New Uniforms


Distributing the Soup


Slogging Through


Relief Through the Trenches

M. Steinlen, 1915


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