Original Photos - Page 21

These images are posted in respectfully memory to those represented.

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Writing letters

Armored gun train

Chasseurs à cheval parade through town while a dirigible flies overhead in 1914.

Past and future

Hotchkiss crew

LP in front of la Folie, December 1915.

Listening Post

285 RIT en route.


French stretcher-bearers transporting a wounded British soldier, March 1918.


A soldier smiles at the photographer as he stands with his comrades in a covered trench, early 1915.

Making the best of things

A shell explodes nearby this British soldier sheltering in a dugout.

Le Front

Cuirassiers in 1914

A gun crew stands by their revolver-canon on the summit of Vauquois, early 1915.


Ca. late 1914 or early 1915.

155 mm mortar

An actual combat photograph of troops going into the attack in Champagne, fall 1915.

Assault in Champagne

Local townsmen help with the grisly work of burying horses killed in Battle of Haelen, in 1914.

Burying horses

Although the photo is staged for before the war, the depiction of a 1914 bayonet attack is accurate.

A là baionette

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