Best of Recreation Photos - Page 7

Photographs taken at our reenactment events

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Members of the 151 setting up barbed-wire before the event begins. Newville, November 2013.

Setting up the wire

Cpl. Picard cleans his Ruby pistol for the next day's action. Newville, November 2013.

Cleaning the Ruby

A formation of planes flies over a dawn formation of the Allied battalion. Newville, November 2013.

In formation

Newville, November 2013.

French company in a mine crater

Repairing wire under the cover of a smoke screen. Newville, November 2013.

Repairing wire under fire

Smoke shells land on the German lines in advance of a French feint attack. Newville, November 2013.

Smoke shells

Fusil-mitrailleuse (Chauchat) teams firing on German airplane.  Newville, November 2013.

Chauchats in action

Fusil-mitrailleuse (Chauchat) team firing on German airplane.  Newville, November 2013.

Chauchat team

Sdt. Pernot acts as assistant to Sdt. Nicolas. Newville, November 2013.

Chauchat team

Letters to soldiers of the 151 ready for distribution. Newville, November 2013.

La poste

The 151 under gas and smoke attack. Sdt. Nicolas preps and throws grenades in the chaos. Newville, November 2013.

Gas and smoke

Sdt. Auriac hands over his well-earned sous for some goodies at the co-op. Newville, November 2013.

The bleuet discovers the co-op

Smoke'em if ya got 'em. Newville, November 2013.

Sdt. Pernot


Le corps franc du 151

Ration men bringing up the soup, bread, pinard and

Les Hommes-soupe

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